Corning Incorporated and Columbia Technology Ventures announce the successful completion of the second cycle of the Advanced Materials Prize. They are pleased to award this year’s prize to Dr. Xiaoyang Shi, awarded prize funds in the amount of $50,000. The second cycle of the program was an expansion on the first, stewarding additional teams through the educational and mentorship modules. This cycle also saw an expanded focus as teams applied material science to broader life science challenges. This has allowed Corning even greater access to Columbia research in these areas. Semifinalists teams led by Dr. James Hone, Dr. Lance Kam, and Dr. P. James Schuck will have the opportunity for continued collaboration with Corning. The three teams each had different areas of focus within the advanced materials landscape. Team Hone focused their efforts on developing a cellular metastasis assay based on micro-patterned surfaces. Team Kam worked towards developing means of enhanced T cell expansion through biomaterials. And Team Schuck dedicated their efforts to building super-resolution imaging and sensing technologies with avalanching nanoparticles (ANPs).
Teams attended panel discussions and workshops with experts in the field, including Dr. Waguih Ishak, Division Vice President and Chief Technologist at Corning Research & Development Corporation, and connected with Corning research directors with similar areas of expertise, exchanging resources and knowledge. During these recurring meetings, research directors at Corning helped to identify commercial opportunities, provide feedback on teams’ research, and shape their efforts. The program concluded with a showcase on Friday, June 3. During these presentations, teams shared the results of their research to date, as well as their vision for their future partnership with Corning.
Corning Incorporated and Columbia Technology Ventures are thrilled by the success of the second cycle of the program. They congratulate Dr. Xiaoyang Shi on his success and look forward to the continued collaboration.